This one was because it turns out that even a lab jacket can be tricked OUT!
This is from 3 years ago when my cat was just a kitten. I took it because... well, let's face it, because I could! Admit it. You'd do the same!
If you ever wondered what the before picture looks like at the beauty shop... this is probably it. Or maybe it's during. Regardless, I can't for the life of me figure out why I let anyone take this!
Words of wisdom, dear readers and loyal subjects. If you lose your keys (yes, Minnie Mouse is my keyring) at a hospital. You will probably get them back, but one of your friends will very likely have sealed them in a biohazard bag... for your own safety, of course. Thanks, Sharma!
This one is of mile marker 13 at my second half marathon. Yes, I only do half marathons at Disney. It's further proof that if you stick Mickey Mouse or a Disney princess at the end of anything, I will keep going until I find them! I'm pretty sure I took this just to prove that I'd made it this far.
This one is a tea towel. It really requires no explanation where I'm concerned.
I totally need to own these. I'm just sayin'.
More words of wisdom. If you name something a SLU Team... people are really going to think this says something else entirely! Again, just sayin'.
I remember emailing this to MPH. That poor man, it's a good thing he loves me.
Now I just need my phone so I can take more pictures!
Love. This. Post. I, too, have the occasional foil-headed shot. My favorite lately was te pickle juice ice pops at Wall-of-Mart. Awesome look at the inside of your brain.